Why has feminism been so destructive?
Questions Covered:

15:58 – If someone says that gender is a fluid concept, how can a person even say that they’re a feminist? How would you address that? 
22:47 – Feminism has changed over the last 50 years. People have different understandings of what feminism is. I think a woman having the right to have equal opportunity for employment is really important. I don’t think feminism is always wrong. 
31:37 – My wife is very much a feminist. She believes in gender fluidity. How can I speak with her about these issues in such a close relationship? 
36:27 – How can I speak to people about the joy and importance of motherhood? 
45:20 – What do you mean that some people might be born in the wrong body? 

50:22 – Now that there is a push to have new labels for gender, it is weird to hear people talking about “women’s” bodies, when people seem to think that they can be whatever they want.