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Category: Conversions

Hollywood Actor’s Conversion to Catholicism

The troubled movie star has found some much-needed peace in the arms of the Catholic Church. In some positive news from Hollywood, the actor Shia LaBeouf has converted to Catholicism after studying for his lead role in the upcoming Padre Pio movie. It might not come as surprise to many, considering the Italian saint is […]

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Love these kind of e-mails: Back to the Catholic Church

Revisiting a nice note received from England: Thank you, Steve. My sister-in-law was Catholic and she turned away to be a new-born Christian [Fundamentalist Protestant]. A lot of these people got round her and constantly told her she was going to hell unless she gets born again and she then tried to convert me and […]

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Charlie’s Story from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic

This is a very astute account of a man’s discovery of the Catholic Church. It is not long but covers a lot — the Bible, Mary, the Pope and salvation. Dear Family: Given the deep and sincere feelings we all have about our faiths, and the volume of information I want to share, I felt […]

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Steve Ray’s Seven Rules for Dealing with Non-Catholic Family & Friends

My Seven Rules for dealing with family and friends who disagree with us, oppose us, want to argue and are against the Catholic Church and our morals. They are basically common sense, but many have found this article to be very helpful. Yes, it was originally Six Rules but I realized “Patience” had to be […]

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Today is our 28th Anniversary as Catholics!

Pentecost Sunday 1994 our family of six along with friend Rob Corzine entered the Catholic Church with tears and new friends. We lost all of our Evangelical friends within two weeks but it was a small price to pay. Here you can see two pictures of that momentous day — our family on May 22, […]

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Another Protestant (Wesleyan) Pastor resigns to Join the Catholic Church

Omaha, Neb., May 7, 2022 / 06:00 am (CNA). What would drive a Protestant minister to give up his ministry, to wander in spiritual darkness for a time and eventually follow God’s call in a new direction? For Steve Dow, it was the truths of the Catholic faith that, despite his best efforts, he ultimately […]

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Billy Graham’s Early Influence on My Life & an Excellent Talk by Rev. Billy Graham

I have a soft spot in my heart for this man because he has had a PROFOUND impact on our family. It was his message over the airwaves in 1953 that first brought my mom to Christ and my mom and dad then brought us boys to a living and vibrant knowledge of Jesus Christ.  […]

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J. R. R. Tolkien on Conversion

Tolkien’s mother, Mabel, converted to Catholicism despite serious opposition from her family. She was eventually cut-off financially when she refused to abandon her new faith. The lack of financial support was a serious consequence as she relied on her family’s assistance after her husband died working in South Africa leaving her alone to raise their […]

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“Coming into the Catholic Church this Easter!” From Anti-Catholic to Avid Believer

Hi Steve –  (I edited out names and places for obvious reasons, but she gave me permission to share her e-mail she sent me.) With how many emails you receive I don’t know if you will ever get the time to respond to me or maybe you’ll never even see this email but I wanted you […]

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Anglican Archbishop Converts to Catholic Church because it isn’t Adapting the the Modern World

As the world gets crazier and crazier, the Catholic Church will seem increasingly sane to many. So all the Church has to do in this weird world is don’t be crazy. Don’t join the parade of celebrated lunacy. In plainer terms, stay Catholic. That’s all the Catholic Church needs to do. Stay Catholic. Yes, being […]

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