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Month: January 2020

“Becoming Catholic” – A Friend’s Protestant World Collapsed and his Profound Discovery of the Church BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED!

An enthusiastic Evangelical Protestant got in touch with me over a year ago with a thousand questions. I usually don’t have time for this kind of discussion, but there was something different about this guy. He was a music leader, actor, speaker and involved in a Protestant church that collapsed due to in-fighting and bitterness. […]

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Committee to recommend Australian bishops give laity certain controls

A six-person committee charged with reviewing church governance and management is expected to present Australia’s bishops with a plan to overhaul the management of the Church in the country.

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Agape Love

Theresa of Avila wrote that “love is like a perfume-filled room.”  Could it be that we can only describe such an ineffable concept using symbol and metaphor? It is often said that God is love.  Indeed, the seemingly most straightforward answer we have to the question of what is God is found in 1 John[…]

The post Agape Love appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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Faith and war

(Here is one from our archives, from 2014, and from Sarah Gould’s reflections, the world has not changed all that much in the last half-decade. Her thoughts are still worth pondering). Once I almost ran over a woman with my car. Years ago I was in a grocery store and a quiet, pretty lady about[…]

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Tabernacle retrieved intact from church destroyed by earthquake in Puerto Rico

Ponce, Puerto Rico, Jan 16, 2020 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Precariously resting on the edge of an altar leaning forward from the impact of the earthquake that struck Puerto Rico, a tabernacle was retrieved intact from a church in Puerto Rico and brought to safety.

In the early hours of Jan. 7, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck the island, the last of a series of quakes that began Dec. 28. The earthquake left one dead, various people injured, serious damage to the infrastructure, and a power outage on the island. A state of emergency was declared.


Previo a otros temblores durante la mañana, fieles rescatan el Sagrario junto al párroco. Esto en la Parroquia Inmaculada Con emoción de Guayanilla que quedó destruida tras el fuerte temblor registrado en el sur de Puerto Rico esta madrugada.

— El Visitante PR (@elvisitantepr) January 7, 2020


Local Catholic media El Visitante, who had journalists on site, explained to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that the tabernacle was rescued from Immaculate Conception church in Guayanilla which completely collapsed from aftershocks. The town lies 8 miles west of Ponce, the epicenter of the earthquake.

El Visitante said the rescue of the tabernacle, and the Eucharist within it, took place at dawn, minutes before an aftershock left the church in ruins. “As if the tremor was waiting for the Eucharist to leave in order to continue the destruction.”


Templo de la Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción de Guayanilla se destruyó a causa del fuerte temblor registrado esta madrugada. Favor mantener la calma, orar y prepararse los 365 días.

— El Visitante PR (@elvisitantepr) January 7, 2020


The tabernacle was in a chapel “in the left nave of the church. The early morning tremor destroyed the chapel, making the altar tilt forward. The tabernacle didn’t fall to the ground. It was almost suspended in the air lightly held up on the leaning altar.”

The tabernacle was rescued by the pastor Fr. Melvin Díaz and Fr. Orlando Rivera along with the faithful. Rivera used to work at the church but now lives  in Peñuelas, a town near Guayanilla.

El Visitante of Puerto Rico said the hosts “had spilled inside the tabernacle” but were gathered up by Fr. Rivera while Fr. Melvin retrieved “the large Host used for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.”

“The faithful took the tabernacle and went out in procession over the rubble. The faithful with the tabernacle, Fr. Orlando with the ciborium and Fr. Melvin with the large Sacred Host. They went to the rectory a few steps from the parish to protect the Blessed Sacrament with all the dignity it deserves,”

“They were the heroes of the Eucharist,” El Visitante concluded.


A version of this story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.


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General Audience

Paul VI Audience HallWednesday, 15 January 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we conclude our catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles with Paul’s arrival in Rome, in chains, to appeal his case to Caesar. As we have seen, Saint Luke’s account of the spread of the Gospel largely coincides with Paul’s missionary journeys. In […]

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