Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at 7.09.04 AMAn enthusiastic Evangelical Protestant got in touch with me over a year ago with a thousand questions. I usually don’t have time for this kind of discussion, but there was something different about this guy. He was a music leader, actor, speaker and involved in a Protestant church that collapsed due to in-fighting and bitterness.

Like mine 25 years ago, his whole world was “Evangelical Protestant.” When his little community collapsed it left his family in turmoil and disarray. Over the year this bright young man delved into the claims of the Catholic Church, read the Father of the Church and asked a million questions. The fruit of his research – which he prepared to help his family and friends understand why he had become Catholic – is now available for all to enjoy!

His beautiful presentation is laid out by topics which he explains briefly and provides many quotes and resources. This will be a valuable resource for many and can be shared with non-Catholic family and friends. Enjoy Jeromy Darling’s creative masterpiece here.