The United States votes today, November 8th, in the middle of the four-year presidential term – which this time, seems like an eternity in Dante’s inferno – and up for grabs are seats in the Senate, Congress, along with governorships.
I have mostly despaired of politics. As one colleague, an expert in American history, put it, it’s a ‘mug’s game’. I say ‘mostly’, for although our public institutions have limited power to instantiate the good, they can at least minimize the evil. Joe Biden has promised – threatened is more the term – to enforce a federal law legalizing abortion should his Demoncrats get control of both houses. So pray that things go well, which means that things go Republican. At the very least, they will do less harm, and even some good, allowing the rest of us to get on with building the culture of life with all the private societies that make up what ‘life’ is.
There’s still hope. There always is. American is under the patronage and protection of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, and her heart will triumph, one way or the other. Beg her intercession. And if you would like more, perhaps a one-day novena, prayed nine times today, to Our Lady Undoer of Knots.
O God, who by the 1mmaculate conception
of the blessed virgin Mary, did prepare a worthy dwelling place for your son,
we beseech You that, as by the foreseen death of this, your son,
You did preserve her from all stain, so too you would permit us,
purified through her intercession, to come unto you.
Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
The post Momentous Midterm Elections appeared first on Catholic Insight.
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