Sister Catherine Schoenecker with St. Paul Winter Carnival royalty: King Boreas (Billy Given), right, and Prime Minister (Christine Arme), left. DAVE HRBACEK | THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT
Sister Catherine Schoenecker, 92, grew up in New Prague and devoted her career to education, working as a teacher, principal and supervisor. A Benedictine living at St. Paul’s Monastery in Maplewood, she recently marked her 70th anniversary as a professed Catholic sister.
Q) Those Benedictines know how to celebrate! For your jubilee, you renewed your vows on Facebook Live, gathered with friends and family and had a surprise visit from King Boreas from the Winter Carnival, who knighted you. How are you feeling?
A) I feel fine, but I’m ready to go back to normal. I like normal.
Q) What compelled you to enter religious life at age 21?
A) I worked with sisters and I admired them. They inspired me to not just be a teacher, but to be a religious teacher. I thought I could do more good that way. I was called.
Q) Were people supportive of your decision?
A) The pastor did not want me to leave. He said, “You’re still really young,” and I said, “Well, that’s the time to go.” At the time, they didn’t want to lose lay teachers, which I was. My brother, three sisters and wonderful parents were all very supportive of me. I remember my mother telling me, “If it’s not right, you can come home.” That’ would’ve been kind of a scandal, but I appreciated her telling me that.
Q) You had her full support, no matter what. That’s pretty special.
A) I think so, too.
Q) Was it hard to let go of the prospect of marriage and motherhood?
A) No. I did have a boyfriend, and he was killed in a car accident. That was hard on me. It did lead me in the right direction though.
Q) It made space in your heart?
A) That’s right. God did lead me in the right direction, and I followed as well as I could.
Q) Were you allowed to leave the monastery and visit home?
A) We couldn’t go home for five years. But my family could come twice a year to visit. There was peace in my heart, but I missed my family. We were very close.
Q) Was the experience of religious life similar to your expectations for it?
A) I think I adjusted quite well. I was already close to the sisters and knew a lot about religious life. That helped. Those early years were good ones. I went out to teach right after novitiate. I was going to teach eighth grade, and one of the sisters said, “They should give you a ring already because those kids are going to know that you’re very young.”
Q) She wanted you to have that outward symbol as a cover. What does the Benedictine virtue of hospitality mean to you?
A) To have a welcoming spirit — whoever comes to the door, whoever you meet. We all work together to make each guest feel welcome. One person does one thing, another does another. Hospitality is part of our life. When I entered the community, the hospitality began right there. I always felt welcome. They loved to sit with me at the table so we could converse together.
Q) You wore a black habit and a scapular over it.
A) It was very hot in the summer, but we got used to it.
Q) What did you enjoy about teaching?
A) My students really liked when I read to them, so I’d read part of a story every day. I loved to read the second graders “Ramona the Pest” by Beverly Cleary. I would impersonate her.
Q) Teaching kept you young at heart!
A) I think so. I did different voices for whatever character I was reading.
Q) Did you come home exhausted?
A) It was a long day!
Q) You went on to be a principal. What helped you develop into a good leader?
A) Humility, listening well. Being open, always being in conversation with the teachers, as much as you could. I tried to lead by example. When I’d observe a teacher in her room, then I’d meet with her, and I’d try to point out all the wonderful things and save the things she needed improvement in till last.
Q) Then you became a supervisor of 17 Catholic grade schools in the Twin Cities. Was that assignment daunting?
A) You could gently say no if you didn’t think you were qualified or had the strength or the courage. But you were always made to feel that you could do that. If they had that much confidence in you, there must be a reason.
Q) You had a bird’s eye view of all those schools.
A) I learned so much from observing other teachers. I was helpful to them, but I especially learned from them.
Q) It sounds like you have an innate interest in people.
A) That was part of me. I like to draw people out and get them to speak about themselves.
Q) It reminds me of a quote: It’s better to be interested than interesting.
A) I like that.
Q) What are your hobbies?
I liked collecting things. I collected letter openers. I had gotten one from the military academy in Colorado, and then I grew my collection. One Christmas at my sister’s I pulled them all out and said, “Now you can all choose one.” I was able to get rid of my collection. I didn’t need them anymore. They all picked one they liked, and I felt good about that.
Q) Do you have a favorite prayer?
A) Psalm 100 is one of my favorites. [Serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful song. Know that the Lord is God, he made us, we belong to him.] I try to say it once a day.
We pray the Liturgy of the Hours three times a day. We never change the time, so you know it’s eight o’clock in the morning, you go to prayer, and at 11:30 and at five o’clock. It’s just an automatic thing. I would really miss that.
Q) What’s the secret to a long life?
A) The routine in our community. The food we have is always healthy. Those things make a difference. Prayer, community. My parents gave us our faith, a good home life and a good education. I thank them every day. My mother lived to 95. No one can replace your mother. No one can.
Q) Do you think about being reunited with her in heaven?
A) Oh yes, I do. I look forward to that day. Whenever the Lord calls me, I’ll be ready. We don’t know when that will be. Good thing we don’t know. We don’t need to know.
Q) Did life slow down when you retired?
A) I was supposed to be retired, but I don’t think I am. I’m still in charge of housekeeping. Other than that, I just keep busy. I don’t like getting up in the morning, but I do. I like to sleep in. I should do that — we’re able to do that if we want to — but I guess the guilt would get to me. I’d think, “Oh, they’re down there praying, they need me.”
Q) Did your idea prove true that you’ve been able to do more good as a sister?
A) I think it did. I really felt that.
Q) What do you know for sure?
A) I’m blessed. Just being able to be up and around. There are so many people who have to use walkers. I look at them and think, “I’m blessed with good feet and legs.” I try to be grateful for all that I have because I know that I have more than I deserve. I try to thank God every morning when I wake up. “Thank you for another day.” For all he’s given me, what can I give back?
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