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Month: August 2022

#10751 Is Belief in God Reasonable? – Pat Flynn

Questions Covered:

12:20 – Do you think the miracle of the sun at Fatima is good evidence for God? 
20:34 – Who has the burden of proof since the atheist can’t prove a negative? 
31:10 – Is the complexity of life a good argument for …

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Europe 1 Arriving in Munich Germany

So we embark on our second pilgrimage through Europe with the emphasis on visiting the Oberammergau Passion Play. Most of our folks arrived this morning on Lufthansa Airline. We were there to greet them in the morning, board our beautiful buses and started the pilgrimage. Then we off-loaded the luggage at the hotel hotel and […]

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2022 International Gregorian Chant Conference

Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Msgr. Alberto Turco, Dr. William Mahrt, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Fr. Chad Ripperger, Fr. Mark Bachmann OSB, Mr. Nicholas Lemme… these are the speakers of the online International Gregorian Chant Conference, Sept 25 – Oct 2, hosted by the Gregorian Chant Academy.

The post 2022 International Gregorian Chant Conference appeared first on The Catholic Gentleman.

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The Pope, Capital Punishment and Contraception

Robert Greving’s recent article in Crisis (July 28th, 2022) requires some clarification. Distinctions are essential, and in these confusing times, where even the elect may be led astray, we must, at all costs, keep our wits about us. Mr. Greving argues the Pope has changed the traditional teaching of the Church, now permitting those in[…]

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Diversity, The First Person In The Triad Of The New Religion

Introduction Diversity is esteemed to be an overarching good and a fundamental value such as love, prudence or justice, which are deemed always good irrespective of the context.  Diversity is thus construed to be indispensable, and its lack at best a weakness and at worst a crime. What then is “diversity” in the context of[…]

The post Diversity, The First Person In The Triad Of The New Religion appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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