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Month: August 2022

Gratitud por la creación de Dios

Mis primeros recuerdos son de vivir en un departamento con mis padres en una casa adosada en el lado sur de Pittsburgh, a tiro de piedra de los molinos que habían atraído a generaciones de inmigrantes de Europa Central y del Este. Para un niño, South Side era lo mejor de la vida urbana. Podíamos caminar para visitar a mis abuelos y las casas de la mayoría de mis tías, tíos y primos.

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St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, a Mystic for our Times

We celebrate the feast day of St Teresa Benedict of the Cross on August 9th, and we may ask, who was this great woman whose life was cut short at the age of 51 years old? Her original name was Edith Stein. Born on 12 October 1891, the highly intelligent Edith in her teenage years[…]

The post St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, a Mystic for our Times appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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For peace on Earth, let us pray

As the world marks the use of the atomic weapons first on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, let the morality of our actions be guided by the prophetic document of John XXIII, Pacem in Terris

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