I was recently interviewed on the fine new Crown and Crozier podcast, hosted by Patrick Owen Brown (who has a piece published recently in these pages). You may find the piece on their webpage: https://www.crownandcrozier.com/

I don’t quite remember what I said, but I may have been just a tad too rosy-hued, especially given developments since. But we must keep a supernatural perspective, sub specie aeternitatis. I leave whatever judgement is due Francis to God, and give him the respect that is due. That said, we should feel free to criticize (in the strict sense of that term) some of Francis’ policies and decisions – and there is plenty of fodder for such, as things now take a turn for the tragic. But, while doing so, we should take care not to undermine the office of the papacy itself, even in our own hearts and minds. God will correct whatever mess is made in His own due time. Pray, trust and have no anxiety.

On that note, comments and criticisms are always welcome. +

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