Many people who know me know that my knees are a problem. All through my life I have been a runner and I ran through countries around the world. It was a great adventure and a way to explore and keep thin and fit.

Running throughout Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Dubai and Onamia and India and Australia, Guam and all over Europe and the Philippines and all across the beautiful land of America and more.

I remember running around the Sea of Galilee, up the Mount of Transfiguration and Masada, from Nazareth to Cana and from Bethlehem to Jerusalem and now it’s over.

To see my video of running through all the holy sites in Jerusalem click HERE.

The running took its toll and the doctors told me 10 years ago I would never run again. It has been one of the great sorrows of my life.

The pain has continued to increase and at only 67 years old I have a lot yet I want to do in life. We are planning to lead pilgrimages to the Holy Land, around the Catholic world for years to come. So what to do?

Today I had the PRP treatment which takes my own blood and spins it to extract the platelets which help regenerate cartilage in the joints. The doctor said my knee joints were pretty far gone and therefore it would probably not work. So, at the same time I am now interviewing a few doctors about knee replacement.

It’s hard to get old. My mom and dad were married for 73 years. My dad died at 94 years old and my mom died on Mother’s Day this year at 100 years old.

So, Janet and I figure it’s a good idea to get my knees replaced if this blood platelet replacement doesn’t actually solve the problem. If so, it will require 4 months or so to accomplish. A doctor friend told me that I have a choice. I can experience pain the rest of my life or I can experience pain for three months and then no pain the rest of my life. I guess I made my decision

Pray for us as we pursue the later years of our lives with every desire to continue full blast ahead.


The post Working on my knees appeared first on Defenders of the Catholic Faith.