Pope Francis expressed confidence that Vatican financial reforms would prevent future scandals, in his extended interview with the Reuters news service.

When questioned as to whether new rules would prevent something like the disastrous investment in a London real-estate scheme—the transaction that is the focal point of a landmark Vatican criminal trial—the Pontiff replied: “I believe so.”

In listing the reforms, the Pope spoke of the Secretariat for the Economy, “with expert, technical people, who don’t fall into the hands of ‘benefactors or friends,’ who can make you slip up.” He credited Cardinal George Pell with the idea for the new Secretariat, remarking, “He was the genius.”

In the past, the Pope said, the handling of financial affairs at the Vatican “was very messy.” He said that Vatican officials, unacquainted with financial affairs, would seek help from ask friends for help, and “sometimes the friends were not the Blessed Imelda.”