Valentina di Giorgio


(ZENIT News / Vatican City,,, 04.07.2022).- In recent days, two interviews were published with the Pontiff. The first with the Argentine TELAM agency was followed by another with REUTERS agency.

In the second interview Pope Francis answered rumours about an alleged cancer diagnosed in 2021, when he underwent a colon operation in a hospital in Rome. “The operation was a great success,” said the Pontiff, adding that he was told “nothing” about a cancer. He described it all as “Court gossip.” “The Court’s spirit continues in the Vatican,” he said. And, when asked about the surgery on his knee, he explained that in the operation of the previous year the general anaesthesia had negative secondary effects on him, so that he prefers to forego a new operation, which implies a general anaesthesia. 

In the second interview, granted to Reuters’ Phil Pullella  –while the waiting list grows of other means that also wish to interview him–, the Pope mentioned that, on his return from his Apostolic Journey to Canada, it’s possible he might go to Ukraine. He also said that approaches are ongoing between the Vatican Secretariat of State and Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry for an eventual visit to Moscow. 

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