Written by: Elizabeth Owen


(ZENIT News / Kaduna, Nigeria, 20.06.2022).- Two weeks after the very grave attack on a Catholic church in Nigeria, which left at least 40 people dead, a new attack has shaken the country.

On Sunday, June 19, several assassins attacked a Catholic and a Baptist church in north-western Nigeria, specifically in the state of Kaduna, leaving three women dead, all of them Catholics. In addition to the churches, the terrorists attacked private residences and kidnapped several people. Those abducted are all Baptists. The local police said the criminals arrived on motorcycles, a usual practice to facilitate a speedy getaway. 

According to the Vatican agency Fides, the village of Rubuh had already been attacked on April 27, 2020 and was attacked again on January 5 of this year. Given that at least forty people have been kidnapped, it’s expected that the criminals will contact the families to demand a ransom. 

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