What but as bread, This appears to be
Is You, Lord, it’s truly Thee
It is You, Lord, I now receive
This is true, not just because I believe

My belief cannot create
Can’t sew a seed, give man a mate
Can’t fashion out of dust
One who knows You, merciful and just

Alone, I am capable of but sin
Despite this belief I hold within
No, my belief doth not make You to be
Nor do You exist because You, I see

To You alone this glory belongs
To be praised in all earthly songs
It is You Who instills this Faith in me
You, Who inspires my will to believe



(Danielle Erwin is a Catholic wife, a homeschooling mother of 5, and she loves writing poetry whenever the Holy Spirit inspires her! She has published a book of poetry she wrote after her miscarriages (Holding On: Poems on Coping With Loss After Miscarriage ) and a book of poetry on the Catholic Faith (Something More: Poetic Moments With God ).

The post My Reason to Believe: A Eucharistic Poem appeared first on Catholic Insight.