The Congregation for Catholic Education released this instruction on Catholic schools. The document, entitled "The Identity of the Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue," is dated January 25, 2022, but was not published in L'Osservatore Romano until May 31. The Congregation, led by Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi since 2015, "has been confronted with cases of conflicts and appeals resulting from different interpretations of the traditional concept of Catholic identity by educational institutions in the face of the rapid changes that have taken place in recent years, during which the process of globalization has emerged in parallel with the growth of interreligious and intercultural dialogue," the Instruction notes. "In relation to what falls within the remit of the Congregation for Catholic Education, it seemed therefore appropriate to offer a more in-depth and up-to-date reflection and guidelines on the value of the Catholic identity of educational institutions in the Church, so as to provide a set of criteria responding to the challenges of our times, in continuity with the criteria that always apply" (nos. 1-2).