Students’ lost faith

I was intrigued to read about the recent panel at UST, particularly Dr. Ann Maloney’s comments that “Our colleges are indeed religious colleges now, but the religion isn’t Catholicism.” I am a recent graduate of another large midwestern Catholic university and I saw many friends enter as joyful, devoted Catholics only to leave the faith entirely after only four years. Many friends tell of similar stories at other legacy Catholic universities. This isn’t just a systemic problem; this is a scandal. Now is the time for us concerned alumni, students, faculty, administrators, clergy, and benefactors to reclaim our beloved Catholic universities that have been hollowed out by a cynical, toxic and empty culture that predominates contemporary academia. And if they won’t courageously preach the Gospel of Christ and all that it requires of them, then we need to redirect our donor and tuition dollars to institutions that will.

Patrick Freese
Our Lady of Grace, Edina

Sign language

I read with interest the article about St. Thomas and Catholic Identity. I couldn’t help but reflect on how often I have walked the campus these last few weeks and observed several signs wishing “our Muslim friends” a blessed Ramadan. It seemed strange that nowhere were there signs during Holy Week and Passover wishing the same sentiments to “our Christian and Jewish Friends.” It’s no wonder some feel the university has lost its Catholic identity.

Father Bob Hart
Retired priest

Death penalty positions

I hope that Archbishop Cordileone will refuse communion to Supreme Court Justice Alito, Supreme Court Justice Thomas, Supreme Court Justice Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Cavanaugh, and Supreme Court Justice Coney Barrett for their stand on the death penalty (“San Francisco prelate says no Communion for Pelosi over her abortion stand,”, May 20). If only that majority of five Catholics would join the other Catholic, Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor in denouncing the death penalty. Then we would not be in the company of such countries as Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, North Korea Saudi Arabia, Syria and others, who value life as little as they do their political opponents.

Elizabeth Rosenwinkel
St. Albert the Great, Minneapolis

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