Questions Covered:

03:15 – I see that there’s some questionable quotes in Church History on the Immaculate Conception. Can you help clarify why they seem to contradict the official dogma? 
12:17 – On Marian Consecration, why do they use the language of “giving ourselves to Mary” and worshiping her? 
17:55 – Why has Judas been condemned since he seemed so remorseful? Why has the Church and even Jesus seem to condemn him? 
28:31 – What is the Church’s stance on aliens? Resources: Would Aliens Debunk Christianity? | Dr. Karin Öberg | Catholic Answers Focus 
28:31 – What is the Church’s stance on aliens? 
36:54 – What is Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation? What did Luther believe? 
44:38 – Are people in heaven aware of people who are not there? 
51:24 – I heard a theory that Jesus asked Judas to make the biggest sacrifice and turn him in because Jesus loved him the most. What are your thoughts on this theory?