“Every war stems from an injustice—always—because that is the pattern of wars,” Pope Francis said during an exchange with reporters on his return flight from Malta.

The Pope dismissed efforts to distinguish between “just and unjust wars,” and also decried the notion that a country should be prepared to defend itself. “This is the pattern of war,” he said.

In other comments to journalists, the Pope said:

  • He would be willing to travel to Kiev if a trip would advance the cause of peace. Vatican diplomats are pursuing all possible avenues to peace.
  • The Vatican is also working on the possibility of a meeting with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill.
  • He has not spoken with Russian President Putin since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. He has spoken twice with Ukraine’s President Zelensky.
  • “My health is a bit fickle,” he admitted. He cited an increased difficulty with his knee, which has severely restricted his mobility.