Questions Covered: 
03:38 – Is there a contradiction between Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6? 
10:43 – Was the prayer of Hannah in 1 Sam. 1:10-13 the first prayer recorded in the bible? 
15:04 – John 17:11 Hebrew 1:4, Is the name Jesus also the name of the father? 
20:50 – 1 Corinthians 11, Paul requires women to veil, why has the Catholic Church made this optional? 
31:53 – I’m a non-Catholic Christian, can we trust the canon of the bible without trusting the Catholic Church? 
41:49 – Besides the bible and the 10 commandments, is there any evidence for the exodus? 
50:09 – In Mt. 7:13 Jesus says that the way to salvation is narrow, does that mean that most people aren’t saved?