Cardinal Luigi De Magistris, the former head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, died on February 16 in Caligari, Italy, just a week short of his 96th birthday.

Born in Caligari, the future cardinal was trained in Rome and ordained as a priest for that diocese in 1952. He returned to Rome in 1957, and—after studies at the Lateran University—entered the service of the Holy See. He continued working at the Vatican—eventually rising to become Pro-Major Penitentiary—until his retirement in 2003. He was raised to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis in 2015, at the age of 88, in recognition of his long Vatican service.

With the death of Cardinal De Magistris there are now 213 living members of the College of Cardinals, of whom 119 are eligible to vote in a papal conclave.