As churches in Quebec reopen after a lengthy Covid-induced lockdown, the Catholic bishops of the province have announced that only those who are fully vaccinated may attend Mass.

In a statement of explanation, the bishops reveal that they opposed a legal requirement for vaccine passports, but eventually accepted the rule—even though they expressed agreement with the charge that it is an infringement on religious freedom.

“For the moment we accept that vaccination passports are required to access worship spaces, even if this measure upsets us deeply,” the bishops say.

In their statement the Quebec bishops express joy that churches will be reopened, and say that the occasion is “an opportunity to recall the duty of the State to respect, promote and protect religious freedom.” Citing the Vatican II Declaration on Religious Freedom, they say that government is obliged to allow freedom of worship within “due limits,” and conclude that the epidemic is an occasion for setting such limits.

Yet the bishops also acknowledge that some people think the vaccination requirement is an “intolerable discrimination that deprives unvaccinated people of their right to religious freedom… On this we agree with them.”