Citing fundamental facts of biology is one of the greatest offenses that can be committed against LGBT ideology, but perhaps the most dangerous statement made by Chappelle was left almost completely unreported.
Report in Catholic World Report by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, October 20, 2021
A recent Netflix special starring the comedian Dave Chappelle has sent the biggest names in the American corporate media into a fit of histrionic indignation. The evident reason for this frenzied backlash, which has taken on the tone of panic, is that the reign of “woke” orthodoxy may be under threat.
With nothing more than a series of rather tame (if tawdry) jokes and undeniable factual observations, a black comedian has opened up a crack in the edifice of what has appeared until now to be an unstoppable movement: the “intersectional” LGBT juggernaut, or, as Chappelle flippantly calls it, “the alphabet people.”
Crude but true
To merit this outburst Chappelle merely had to cite facts of biology, while simultaneously defending J.K. Rowling, a very liberal and “gay-friendly” author who, nonetheless, has been ostracized by woke elites for having the temerity to denounce the intrusion into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms of men who “identify” as women.
In his comedy special, dubbed, “The Closer,” Chappelle notes with amazement that a figure as famous and influential as Rowling has been “canceled” by the woke mob, merely for noting that gender is an objective reality, rather than a social construct.
“They canceled J.K. Rowling — my God,” said Chappelle. “Effectually she said gender was a fact. The trans community got mad as s**t, they started calling her a TERF,” he added, explaining that “TERF” stands for “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” a term of opprobrium invented by transgender activists.
“I’m team TERF,” said Chappelle. “I agree. I agree, man. Gender is a fact . . .Every human being in this room, every human being on Earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on Earth. That is a fact.” The comedian also made an earthy and ironic comment on the unreality of “transgender” sexual organs.
Citing fundamental facts of biology is one of the greatest offenses that can be committed against LGBT ideology, but perhaps the most dangerous statement made by Chappelle was left almost completely unreported in the mainstream media, and that was his comparison of men dressed as women to white people who wear blackface in insulting parodies of black people.
Women “look at transgender women the way we blacks look at blackface,” Chappelle told his audience. “They go ‘oh, this (expletive) is doing an impression of me!’”
For the whole report, click HERE. I must say it is delightful to read of a star who is willing to speak the truth into a world of woke hysteria.
The post Did comedian Dave Chappelle crack the LGBT edifice? appeared first on Defenders of the Catholic Faith.
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