Tributes are pouring in for Father Joseph Koterski, one of the loyal sons of Saint Ignatius, who loved the Society of Jesus to which he had given his life. When Jesuits are faithful to their founder’s charism of true orthodoxy, sharp intelligence and wit, fidelity to their duty and charism, well, they’re very good – as Saint Paul puts it, ‘all things to all men’.

I had the honour and privilege of meeting and befriending Father Koterski – He sent along his encouragement for the work done at Catholic Insight, and offered some of his own writings. The last time we spoke was in my own home, when we shared a meal along with our then-College president, before a talk Father was giving in one of the local parishes on the Trinity. He had also given the commencement address for our graduation a year or two before that. I recall we had a vivid debate on the morality of truth-telling, hiding the truth, and lying, and, although we did not fully agree, the conversation was stimulating, enlightening, free of any rancour, with common principles on our shared love of Saint Thomas and the Magisterium, all done in charity and mirth. A glass or two of wine ‘for the stomach’, and the brain, did not hurt either.

I will miss him, and reading over Father Samuel Bellafiore’s reminiscence made me realize how many countless more will also. Ah, to taste the ambrosia of heaven, and eutrapelia for eternity, is something to which to look forward indeed.

Euge, serve bone et fidelis!

Requiescat in pace, et lux aeterna da ei, Domine.

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