The month of June is dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
June 13St. Anthony Called the Wonder Worker, he is one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church and is implored as the patron of lost things and a hundred other causes. He was a preacher and theologian and was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII.
Recipe of the Month
Pentecost Cake
To celebrate Pentecost try this delicious moist cake, inexpensive and easy to make. It is served with a strawberry frosting.
Activity of the MonthHome Altar Hangings Construct this Pentecost wheel to remind children of the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. After constructing the wheel, begin using it seven days before Pentecost, discussing a gift of the Holy Spirit each night.
St. Boniface The Archbishop of Mentz established the foundation for Christianity in Germany. His emblem refers to his defense of the Gospel as he met the blow of death while confirming baptized converts.
St. Barnabas One of the Apostolic Fathers, whose feast day in olden times was celebrated by young lads and clerks bedecked with roses. This shield is divided.
St. Peter & St. Paul The interwoven symbols of Sts. Peter and Paul are used at Winchester, where the cathedral church is dedicated to these saints.
The Trinity The triquetra is one of the many symbols that clearly express the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.