A special Father’s Day celebration with a Mass, prayerful procession and picnic is planned by Catholic Watchmen for June 19 at Maternity of Mary in St. Paul — and all Catholic men and their families are invited.

“‘Pillar of Families’ — Catholic Father’s Day” with an emphasis on St. Joseph begins at 4:30 p.m. with Bishop Andrew Cozzens presiding at an outdoor Mass. A 1.5-mile eucharistic procession to Como Lake and back to the parish will follow, with priests, deacons and laymen invited to lead with an icon of St. Joseph and praying the rosary. A freewill-donation barbecue will follow and go until as late as 8 p.m.

Deacon Gordon Bird, who ministers at St. Joseph in Rosemount and All Saints in Lakeville and assists with the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ Catholic Watchmen movement, says this Father’s Day celebration and its emphasis on the Year of St. Joseph is part of the ministry revving up its dedication to fostering men’s leadership as spiritual providers and protectors, particularly after the difficult year brought by COVID-19.

More details, registration and a short promotional video for Catholic Father’s Day can be found at archspm.org/fathers.