Christ established the priesthood and there’s biblical evidence for it.
Questions Covered:

19:09 – Could you elaborate on how the modern Jews might interpret your words about the priesthood? What is the best way to reach them? 
29:40 – Can you talk about “temple theology”? Is this something Catholics should be looking into? 
34:23 – Didn’t Jesus expect the priesthood to change over time? I think Catholics are stuck like the Pharisees were. I think women should be priests and men should be able to marry and be priests. 
48:46 – Hebrew 10:11 is used against Catholics saying that Catholics are committing sacrifices. How can I explain that this was the Levitical priesthood, which is different from the priesthood in the Church? 
52:10 – Why don’t modern Jews, or other Jews since Christ, see that Christ is the Messiah and the anointed one?