Ron McBroom

There are many reasons, but first and foremost by far, is the Eucharist.

At the consecration of the Mass, a miracle takes place with the bread and wine actually becoming the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Sometimes at Mass, during the consecration, I feel like hollering out, “Look, there is a miracle.” I do not do that, as I think Father Michael Miller, my parish priest, would have a dim view of that.

Second, and most important, I have been an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist at Mass for over 40 years. What an honor and privilege to do that. A priest or deacon goes through many years of schooling to be able to do this. I was able to do that after an hour or two of classes. To be able to give my brothers and sisters the body or blood of Christ gives me much satisfaction. It does not get any better than that!

The Catholic faith gives me two beautiful prayers, the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I enjoy both of these prayers and never tire of saying them, as they are a great tribute to Mary and Jesus.

I like the recognition given to our saints, starting with the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. I can pray to our saints for certain requests or protection from spiritual or physical harm for myself or my loved ones.

Confession is so very important. One of the hardest things in life is to admit you screwed up and then tell it to another human being. Yet, by doing this through an apostle of Jesus Christ, a priest, our sins are forgiven if we are sincerely sorry. It is so important to take advantage of this sacrament as often as possible. When I think of what made this possible, the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, this is why I am Catholic.

McBroom, 76, is an insurance agent and a member with his wife of 52 years, Kathy, of St. Patrick in Cedar Lake. They have five children, 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

“Why I am Catholic” is a new ongoing series in The Catholic Spirit. Want to share why you are Catholic? Submit your story in 300-500 words to [email protected] with “Why I am Catholic” in the subject line.