The point that today’s first reading wishes to drive home to us is
that God is all around us. Solomon, although highly pleased about the
temple, realized that it could not contain God nor limit him to one
place. God is everywhere in the work of his creation.

Jesus in the today’s gospel declared all things clean, for all things
come from God and bear his creative presence. All things are sacred.
Even simple bread and ordinary wine are not unworthy to be the signs
of divinity. God is present not only in the book of scripture but also
in the book that men and women write. God is present not only in his
people but in all his creatures. Even when we are not inside a church,
we walk on sacred ground, we breathe holy air, and we touch and use
holy things.

God is not limited; so we should not limit our vision of God only to
things that are sacred. As Christians, it is our duty to open our eyes
in faith to see the goodness and love of God all around us.