(As a final gesture, Donald Trump has signed an order for an outdoor garden of American heroes, and he has specifically included Catholic, pro-life greats, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Nellie Grey, the foundress of the March for Life, and Antonin Scalia, the pro-family Supreme Court Justice. Whatever one says of him – and people are saying much – the outgoing President leaves a pro-life, pro-America legacy. What holds for that nation under the distinctly non-pro-life and non-pro-family Biden-Harris administration remains to be seen, but things do not bode well for making America great. Then again, suffering, if borne well, brings much good. So we hope, and pray. What follows is the President’s farewell speech…)

My fellow Americans, four years ago we launched a great national effort to rebuild our country, to renew its spirit, and to restore the allegiance of this government to its citizens. In short, we embarked on a mission to make America great again for all Americans. As I conclude my term as the 45th President of the United States, I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together. We did what we came here to do, and so much more. This week we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous. We extend our best wishes, and we also want them to have luck, a very important word…

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