WASHINGTON – The organizers for the annual March for Life announced that the 2021 rally would take place in a virtual format. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities has issued a statement about the change and invited participation in the virtual format:

“As long-time participants in the annual March for Life, my brother bishops and I commend the march organizers for their concern for the lives and safety of all participants. The countless, peaceful, pro-life marchers who would normally gather each year should not be put at risk.

“Peaceful prayer and witness must and will continue this year—just in a different format. I have the honor this year of opening the March for Life Virtual Rally in prayer, so please join me at  https://marchforlife.org/2021-virtual-events.

“In preparation for the virtual March for Life, and in observance of the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on January 22, I invite you to join many thousands of Catholics praying a nationwide novena from Thursday, January 21 through Friday, January 29. You can receive daily intentions, brief reflections, and suggested actions by signing up for 9 Days for Life. As part of this novena, dioceses nationwide are live-streaming Masses, Rosaries, Holy Hours and more for the protection of human life. Please join us in prayer.”

Media Contacts:
Chieko Noguchi or Miguel Guilarte