Questions Covered:

01:17 – How can I explain to my Protestant friend that Mary is holy and full of grace? She wants biblical evidence. 
13:18 – How can Catholics know if they are asking for intercession from saints who are really in God’s presence? 
18:52 – The Catholic Old Testament has 39 books, but the Jews have 24 books. How can the Catholic Old Testament be correct? Send Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger 
24:27 – What do Catholics believe about how God’s foreknowledge affects human beings’ free will? 
44:00 – What is the Catholic doctrine on purgatory and how can we find evidence for it in Scripture? 
48:45 – Why do Catholics do the sign of the Cross and when did that start?  
52:10 – How do I explain to Baptists that faith alone/being born again is not right, that repentance and a change of lifestyle is necessary to follow Christ? 

Book Karlo to speak at your parish or next event. 
Want more from Karlo Broussard?  

Purgatory Is For Real
Prepare the Way: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Gospel and the Church  
Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs 
Why God Still Matters 

The Bible Blueprint for the Priesthood 
The Bible Blueprint for the Mass