Whatever happened on Capitol Hill last week cannot be described as a ‘coup’, and cannot be placed at the feet of Donald Trump. That would, in any previous society, seem obvious, but in the current halls of mirrors of social media, the obvious is not so obvious anymore.

A coup is an attempted governmental take-over, with the illegal replacement of a sitting, legitimate government. The troupe of misfits wandering through the halls of America’s legislature, taking selfies, committing minor vandalism, riffling papers, looking like bemused tourists, could in no way ‘take over’ much of anything; even a flash mob sing-along would seem beyond their powers of organization. Were they Trump supporters, set-up stooges, a mix of both? The guy in the Viking get-up is, apparently, a professional actor. Fitting, for it was all a tragic, Monty Python-esque sketch, that got a bit out of control.

I have my reservations about Donald Trump, but then I have my reservations about most people, including myself. His use of rhetorical, even at times unfortunate, language – as is the wont of almost all politicians – was not an enticement to sedition. None of this would stand up in a normal court of law.

But what is ‘normal’ now? Biden, in a confused meandering speech, has now likened Ted Cruz – or is it Senator Hawley? – to Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, for his – their? – insistence that the election was rigged. One could not make this stuff up. Mr. Trump, along with millions of Americans, have the right to think so, given all the anomalies.

Propaganda? Have not the Democrats spent the last four years undermining the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency, with unsubstantiated claims of ‘Russian collusion’ and mythical micturating meretrices, culminating in the embarrassing failed attempt at impeachment? They hate Trump, and everyone even remotely connected to his person. This means, of course, anyone who is in any way against the ‘Democratic’ agenda – I need not list what evils they are ‘for’, and what goods they are ‘against’, at least, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

We are in a quasi-demonic fun house of lies, half truths, obfuscations, and outright brazen hypocrisy. Then again, a half-century of murdering its own children does strange and terrible things to a nation, as well as to those who support such. Hence, their bizarre behaviour is sort of expected. What is more mystifying, and disheartening – at least, for those of us outside the madness, trying to go about the duties of the day – is that otherwise insightful, sober and discerning souls are swallowing this, joining in the drumbeat.

Ah, yes, great is the power of steady misrepresentation, not least via the warm and comforting glow of the screen, now almost unilaterally controlled by the ‘Left’, which shows what it wants to show, and says what it wants us to believe, soothingly and reassuringly, but then more menacingly as we resist, and as other sources – of actual truth – are shut down, or, as the saying now goes, ‘de-platformed’.

Try shutting it off; live locally, and see what reality returns. Behind that illusory veil, the sins of the nation are crying out to heaven for vengeance, which is the real calamity, and there may well be bloodletting. But the truth will win out in the end. Stay on the side of that truth, dear reader, regardless of what Big Brother is whispering, or even shouting, in your ear.

The post Coup, Coup, Ubi Es Tu? appeared first on Catholic Insight.