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Month: December 2020

Maryland Catholic Conference urges Trump to stop a federal execution

Eight Catholic bishops serving Maryland dioceses urged President Donald Trump Dec. 22 to stop the planned federal execution of Dustin Higgs, a Maryland man on death row in Indiana.

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The Catholic Case for Secession?

Ever since “red states” and “blue states” entered our popular lexicon in the weeks following the 2000 election, Americans have understood that our country’s citizens have taken two divergent paths at the fork in the road. Twenty years later, the possibility that those paths will converge one day seems more and more remote. That is […]

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A Very Modern Mystic

When Saint Lawrence was thirty-three and a deacon in Rome, the prefect of the city’s secular government demanded the treasure of the Church be handed over; the saint brought forth the city’s poor. The prefect didn’t like that much, and ordered Lawrence burned on a gridiron. After he had been held over the fire for […]

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Cardinal Gregory calls suit ‘last resort’ to protect religious rights

In a Dec. 22 op-ed column in The Washington Post, Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington said the archdiocese’s recent lawsuit against District of Columbia’s COVID-19 restrictions on houses of worship was a “last resort” to “protect the free exercise of religion in the nation’s capital.”

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Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Reading 1 MAL 3:1-4, 23-24

Thus says the Lord GOD:
Lo, I am sending my messenger
to prepare the way before me;
And suddenly there will come to the temple
the LORD whom you seek,
And the messenger of the covenant whom you desire.

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Archbishop Naumann: Covid vaccine morally licit, but not obligatory

Echoing a recent decree from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Naumann said the currently available vaccines are “licit and permissible,” though not obligatory.

The post Archbishop Naumann: Covid vaccine morally licit, but not obligatory appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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What the Magi teach us

Among the tenured professorial skeptics, few Gospel episodes have been sliced, diced, and tossed to the dissecting room floor as “mythology” more often than the story of the Magi: the “wise men from the East […]

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From the archives: ‘A simple, convent-educated girl’

Teresa Pinfold’s contributions to the letters page – parts of which hint at the pseudonymous correspondent’s own concerns, others of which seem more to be an elaborate joke for the correspondent’s own entertainment.

The post From the archives: ‘A simple, convent-educated girl’ appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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