Is President Trump a Cyrus Redivivus, a type of the ancient, quasi-pagan king who, recognizing their goodness and chosenness by a God he scarcely knew, led the Israelites from captivity to freedom? The analogy is a limited one, for Trump is not a pagan, but, after being brought up Presbyterian, with Vincent Normal Peale as his pastor, now describes himself as a ‘non-denominational’ Christian, even if his pronouncements on life and other issues sound more boldly Catholic than many, if not most, of our own ordained leaders.

Of course, salvation depends primarily upon God, even if He may choose to use ministers of His will, witting and unwitting. In the past while, the President, for all of his human and other limitations, has been doing some remarkable evangelization, trumping up his pro-life, pro-family, pro-religion credentials, all the while shoring up the economy, putting China in its place, and trying, at least, to drain the Washington swamp. He is one of the most remarkable presidents, if not leaders, of modern times. His work ethic seems remarkable, not least for a septuagenarian. Who else would and could do what Donald Trump does and has done? Joe Biden seems like a confused, leaden lamppost next to the vivacious Trump, who from all appearances is enjoying himself immensely.

Regardless of what happens this evening, even the seemingly indefatigable Trump is nearing his twilight years, with eternity on the horizon, and we might not be surprised, and we may hope, that he does the full conversion.  And we should hope and pray for the same for Biden.

For ultimately, as we reflect on the hidden life of Martin de Porres, the battle before is primarily heavenly and supernatural, and not so much earthly and political. And regardless of who wins this evening, that battle will continue, fiercer than ever, right up to the end.

Ponder, as exhibit A for now, this reflection on the militancy of LGBTQ+ and all the other alphabetical soup of sex-gender-deviancy ideology at the highest levels of academia is eye-opening even for the jaded; an insider’s account, if you will, from a ‘top-tier’ program forming future counselors and educators. There’s not much they consider verboten, except people who consider certain sexual practices verboten – that is, conservatives, and anyone with ‘hang ups’. So far, they say that ‘children’ – not defined, of course – are unable to consent. At least, that’s the story for now, but the fact that they want to expose even the most bestial of behaviours to innocent children should offer a window into their insidious intent.

This is all part of a bigger picture, the Great Reset – the transvaluation of all values, in morality, socioeconomics, family, religion – may soon be upon us in full force, and more on that soon.

The silver lining in all of this is that the more this gets out into the open, the better, so that we may battle head on, in the full light of day, of truth, of goodness, of which we may hope most still have some scintilla.

For now, it’s Go, Trump. May the Angels and Saints te custodiant et protegant.

The post The Alpha Male Versus the Alphabet Soup appeared first on Catholic Insight.