As Catholics, we are responsible for standing up for the dignity of all human life. Bishop Paprocki is here to help us understand just how to do that.
Questions Covered:

22:00 – Can we ask the souls in purgatory to pray for the end to abortion? 
30:00 – How can I best respond to a person who says they don’t accept abortion except in the case of rape? 
35:45 – If we want to promote the culture of life, shouldn’t we really be promoting NFP more? 
42:45 – I have been really confused because I have heard conflicting advice on voting from the clergy. How can we know who really is pro-life? 
47:52 – How can we encourage priests to help along this culture of life? 
50:37 – If you care so much about life in the womb, why don’t you care so much about the shootings?