By Stacy Mitch 

Stacy Mitch is the author of the successful Courageous Women Bible study series.

Kimberly Hahn, Stacy Mitch, beloved and blessed, courageous women, proverbs 31

Photo Credit: Rachel Coyne

The Bible, which once seemed to me a collection of loosely related stories, actually fits together to tell a divine love story—an unmatched masterpiece telling the tale of God’s inexhaustible love for His children. The Good Book is really our family history book, telling us how our beloved Father, throughout all of history, has sought to save the lost and unite His family forever in their heavenly home.  

The Bible, while a compilation of individual books written by a host of authors in various literary genres, is even more a unified story of how God, our loving and patient Father, sought for all of history to bring home His wayward and stubborn children. The Bible is the story of our Redemption, our salvation history. 

The Bible is a gift from our heavenly Father: “In order to reveal himself to men, in the condescension of his goodness God speaks to them in human words” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 101). The almighty Creator of the universe, Who has no need of anything (including us), created us out of love and for love. He stoops to our level to communicate His love to us. God chose to reveal Himself and His laws to us through Sacred Scripture. We should accept this gift with great humility and honor.  

The Bible is not a dead book, a classic work of antiquity, to be dissected and critiqued by skeptics and antagonists. Sacred Scripture is a gift to be unwrapped, loved, cherished, honored, protected, read, reread, memorized, and studied in the presence of God, its Author, with humility and with His assistance. When considering the Word of God, we must remember that “the Church has always venerated the Scriptures as she venerates the Lord’s Body” (CCC 103). 

What are ways we can grow in veneration of the Bible? How can we embrace Holy Scripture as God’s love letter to us? 

This is a question that my good friend Kimberly Hahn and I have asked ourselves over the years. We’ve taken our own study and life experience and shared it with others.  

Now, Kimberly is launching a brand-new ministry for women, Beloved and Blessed—this includes her podcast and other resources for women and families.  

The Beloved and Blessed podcast: Hosted by Kimberly, Beloved and Blessed speaks to the desires and strengths of women, based on the wisdom of Proverbs 31. 

New editions of Kimberly’s popular Bible studies: Chosen and CherishedGraced and GiftedBeloved and Blessed, and Legacy of Love. Chosen and Cherished is available now. 

New editions of the Courageous Women series: My Bible studies for women, focusing on the wisdom and example of biblical heroines. Courageous Women is available now. 

You can explore more resources on I encourage you to make use of them in your personal journey with Scripture.  

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Kimberly Hahn

Beloved and Blessed is a ministry for Catholic women in all walks of life. Inspired by the experience, hope, and strength of Kimberly Hahn, Beloved and Blessed uncovers the beautiful wisdom of Scripture for every daughter of God.