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We are proud to thank President Donald Trump for the numerous accomplishments of his first term, too many to list here, but including the following. See more at and

Satisfaction with the state of the nation reached a 15-year high according to Gallup, and nearly twice the number of people think it’s heading in the right direction as did in 2016.

President Trump has placed 230 conservative federal judges on our courts, including two on the Supreme Court. This is more than any president in the past four decades. One in four appellate court judges have now be appointed by him, and that has flipped the ideological balance of several of these Circuits already.  The President has indicated that he will leave no vacancies behind (unlike President Obama, who left behind 142 vacancies).

President Trump has achieved the first Middle East Peace agreement in 25 years, a recent accord between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Other countries will now want to follow suit.

Required NATO allies to pay their fair share, resulting in a 130 billion increase in defense spending from the allies, with more to come.

For the rest of this unprecedented and impressive conservative list, click here. SHARE THIS LIST WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ESPECIALLY THOSE ON THE FENCE DURING THIS ELECTION!!