9B4B6514-741D-4C0A-BBE6-B9D2804870E2Joe Biden claims to be a devout Catholic and the media says that is good! He gains his values from his Catholic Faith (really?)

528CEA76-2D0C-481C-BB12-9D49F01B5720But why then is it bad that Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a devout Catholic and should be smeared and disqualified as a judge because she gains her values from her Catholic Faith?

I’m confused?  Am I missing something?


Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a practicing and faithful Catholic who believes and follows the teachings of the Bible and the Church (unlike Biden who flaunts his disregard for Catholic teaching).

Barret is a member of a charismatic Catholic Bible Study and Praise group called “People of Praise”. For this, she is being bashed as the media is already starting the character assassination. Read it HERE.

But what IS the People of Praise really? You can read that HERE.