Please do pray for the repose of the soul of Dr. Robert Walley, a pro-life Canadian hero, who passed away on June 22nd, the memorial of Thomas More, fittingly enough, a fellow holy and courageous layman. Dr. Walley was a physician dedicated to the protection of mothers and their unborn children, founder of MasterCare International. He was the father of seven, and a dedicated husband to his equally dedicated wife, Susan, for 54 years. Dr. Walley is an ever-more-rare type of doctor, as they weed out – pardon the analogy – anyone with any anti-abortion-euthanasia-contraceptive’ views. May he intercede soon for the state of medicine, especially in Canada, as our would-be healers are fast transforming into our would-be killers.

First, do no harm. Then, protect and heal – unborn lives do matter.

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