Entrust all anxiety to Jesus’ Sacred Heart.

Pope Francis stressed this during this week’s General Audience which took place Wednesday morning in the Library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace. The Pope continued his cycle of catechesis on prayer, focusing on the theme: “The prayer of Jacob” (Gen 32: 25-30).

After his catechesis, the Holy Father addressed special greetings to Polish faithful, where he remembered June being dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

Saying he “cordially greets all the Poles, he acknowledged that the month of June, dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, “is particularly felt among you.”

“To the Divine Heart, full of peace and love, we can entrust all the anxieties of our hearts and our imperfect love.” From the pierced heart of the Savior flows, for all humanity, the source of all consolation and the ocean of Divine Mercy. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts similar to His!

Pope Francis concluded his remarks to Polish faithful, saying he blesses them from his heart.

The Feast of the Sacred Heart, celebrated the Friday following the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, was formally approved for the whole Church in 1873, granting a series of Indulgences, including a Plenary Indulgence, which is the total remission of the temporal pending punishment of purification, after the forgiveness of sins — by receiving Holy Communion in Mass for nine consecutive first Fridays.


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