How can one respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic in our world has multiplied the poverty and needs of millions of people around the globe?

The International Vicentian Family–with the aim of connecting projects in need of funding from local organizations worldwide, and people of good will who wish to help financially to keep these works going–have created a new website:, according to a press release.

The Vincentian Family is a movement that follows Jesus Christ after the example of St. Vincent de Paul, present worldwide through 4 million people and more than 160 Christian institutions.

It works working tirelessly to alleviate the situation of all these people who have seen their lives worsen because of the coronavirus: the homeless, the newly unemployed, families in vulnerable situations, etc

At the moment, the contents are in Spanish and English, but soon contents will be added in Italian, Portuguese, German, French, and Flemish.

The situation of those who suffer most from the calamity is a concern for everyone.

For all interested, visit the website and learn about these projects which need your help.

“With everyone’s help,” they assure, “we will succeed in defeating this pandemic and helping those in need.”

The post To Create System of Support Against COVID Suffering? Vincentians Launch New Website appeared first on ZENIT – English.