Did Jesus truly make Peter the first Pope? How does the Catholic Church know that the popes are given that same authority? Find out here, with Karlo Broussard.
Questions Covered:

14:32 – A Protestant told me that the “rock” referred to by Jesus actually meant “pebble” and so could not refer to Peter. How can I respond to this? 
20:57 – If Christ appointed Peter as pope and gave him authority and the following popes authority, then how do you explain the division in the Catholic Church? 
31:25 – I do not think that the statement “and upon this rock” refers to Peter, it refers to his confession. 
41:22 – How do you respond to Protestants who say that the papacy was ONLY given to Peter and not his successors? 
49:41 – What is the best way to respond to people who insist on speaking negatively about our current Pope?