Downloadable coloring pages with saints or psalms. Lists of favorite Catholic children’s books. Videos of Father Mike Schmitz of the Diocese of Duluth or Venerable Fulton Sheen.

These appear on a list of web links to more than 60 ideas for religious education at home, complied by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ Office for Marriage, Family and Life. 

Bill Dill, the office’s marriage preparation and youth ministry events coordinator, asked his network of parish youth and family ministry coordinators via email March 16 what resources could help Catholic families during social distancing due to the risks associated with the novel coronavirus, with many parents working from home and children’s schools closed. 

“This is a great opportunity! We’ve been trying to encourage and help families do more internal faith sharing and faith formation,” Dill said. “It makes a huge difference in kids’ faith when they hear about mom and dad’s faith and grow together in their faith with mom and dad.” 

They also compiled a list of online youth ministry resources, which includes websites for religious formation programs such as Formed, YDisciple and Jeff Cavins’ “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation Bible Study Program,” which can be accessed online for group or individual study. 

Another list with family activity ideas is forthcoming. 

“Well, ya’ll have a lot of great ideas and you are certainly not letting Covid19 or the devil stop you from ministering to your teams,” Dill told his network in a follow-up email March 17. “Way to go!” 

The lists are available at