At our pre-synod Prayer and Listening events, we have consistently heard that the growth of our Church depends upon our ability to give a clearer witness to the difference that Jesus has made in our lives, especially by imitating his sacrificial love and concern for those in need.

Each year, the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation (CSAF) gives us a powerful opportunity to offer that witness by supporting the broader works of the Church undertaken in our archdiocese.

I am very grateful not only to the lay leaders of the CSAF who quietly contribute their time and talents to this important effort, but also to the faithful who respond with such generosity, in a way that enables our Church to provide what Pope Francis calls a “caress to those in need,” whether they be our brothers and sisters who are hospitalized, or in prison, or lacking housing and basic sustenance, or facing an unanticipated pregnancy. Through the annual appeal, we are able to provide outreach to college students, to strengthen our Catholic schools and to offer vital programs for evangelization and marriage enrichment at the archdiocesan level. It’s because of the CSAF that we are able to offer necessary leadership formation to the members of our Latino community, to sustain the important Native American ministry at Gichitwaa Kateri and to continue the work of those involved in ministry to the deaf and hearing impaired at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It’s only through the efforts of the CSAF that we are able to support both the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women and our seminarians preparing to serve as priests of the archdiocese.

In this year’s Catholic Services Appeal we have a remarkable opportunity to put our faith into action and make a Christ-centered difference in our community. Please join me in supporting this important effort.

Catholic Services Appeal