The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is offering and supporting numerous programs and events designed to promote healing in the wake of the clergy sexual abuse crisis.


‘How do I Tell My Family?’ — Victim-survivors and family members. Often victim-survivors suffer alone. Discuss how to enlist the support of family or friends or to find other means of support. 6:30–8 p.m., Feb. 5, 357 Stonebridge Boulevard, St. Paul. (Entrance is on Jefferson Street, near the garage).

‘Why can’t they just get over it?’ — Understanding the effects of trauma and abuse. With Laura Harder, compassion fatigue therapist, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Feb. 10, St. Odilia, Shoreview.

Walking Side by Side — Weekend gathering for survivors by survivors. For all survivors of sexual abuse. 7 p.m. March 13 to 1 p.m. March 15, Grandview Lodge, Nisswa.


Healing Our Church — A pastoral response to the sexual abuse crisis. A six-week, small group resource that helps the faithful deal with complex emotions stirred by the scandal and start on a path to renewal.

Mass/Vespers of Repentance and Reparation — Where do we go from here? Liturgical celebration with Archbishop Bernard Hebda followed by a presentation on the steps being taken to move forward by Tim O’Malley, director of the Office of Ministerial Standards and Safe Environment.

Archdiocesan History — What took place in the last five years, including Q&A. Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Tim O’Malley.

Weekend preaching on restorative justice, healing circles. Father Daniel Griffith and Paula Kaempffer.

Survivor’s stories. Parishes can request speakers who have lived through clergy sexual abuse and are willing to share their experiences.

Biblical foundations of restorative justice and healing circles. Father Daniel Griffith and Janine Geske.

What is restorative justice? Healing circles. Father Daniel Griffith and Paula Kaempffer.

‘Letter to a Suffering Church’ book by Bishop Robert Barron, discussion with Father Daniel Griffith and/or Paula Kaempffer.

Moving Forward. What’s Been Done So Far? Tim O’Malley and Father Daniel Griffith.

Liturgical and Sacramental Foundations of Restorative Justice. Amy Levad, theologian.

Effects of Sexual Abuse on the Brain and Development of a Child. Led by professionals in this field.


Support group for victim-survivors. Third Monday of each month beginning March 16, 6:30–8 p.m., Maple Grove Public Library, 8001 Main St., Maple Grove.

Support group for families and friends of victim-survivors. Second Tuesday of each month, 6:30–8 p.m., 357 Stonebridge Boulevard, St. Paul. (Entrance on Jefferson Street near the garage).


Paula Kaempffer, Outreach Coordinator for Restorative Justice and Healing, 651-291-4429 or email at [email protected].
