Pope calls for united efforts in care for creation during Laudato Si’ Week
Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to work together in taking care of creation.
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by bcadmin | May 23, 2022 | care of creation, From the Pope, Laudato Si, Laudato Si' Week, News, Regina Coeli | 0 |
Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to work together in taking care of creation.
Read Moreby bcadmin | May 23, 2022 | Catholic News Service, Laudato Si, Laudato Si' Week, News, Pope Francis, Vatican | 0 |
Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to work together in taking care of creation.
Read Moreby bcadmin | May 25, 2021 | Cardinal Peter Turkson, Catholic Church, Laudato Si, Laudato Si' Week, lead, News, Vatican | 0 |
As the Vatican’s special year dedicated to papal eco-encyclical Laudato Si’ comes to a close, they have launched a seven-year action plan designed to encourage strategic actors to commit to achieving total sustainability with Pope Francis’s environmental advocacy as a guide.
Read Moreby bcadmin | May 20, 2021 | Cardinal Tommaso Zigliara, Catholic social teaching, Laudato Si' Week, lead, News, News Analysis, Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum | 0 |
Every papacy is a collective enterprise. It’s the pontiff who gets the credit or the blame, but often their finest moments depend heavily on the labor of others who fade into the woodwork when the moment passes.
Read Moreby bcadmin | May 18, 2021 | Catholic Church, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Interviews, Laudato Si, Laudato Si' Week, lead, News, Pope Francis, Vatican | 0 |
Closing the year-long celebration of the Laudato Si’ year that began on the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’s ecological encyclical, the Vatican is sponsoring a series of events this week.
Read Moreby bcadmin | Mar 3, 2020 | Ecological crisis, From the Pope, Laudato Si, Laudato Si' Week, News | 0 |
Saying he wanted to renew his “urgent call to respond to the ecological crisis,” Pope Francis asked Catholics around the globe to participate in the international observance of “Laudato Si’ Week” May 16-24.
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