We will turn to the Pope’s recent controversial statement in a moment. But, first, as a lead-in, you have to see this to believe it:
Ah, yes, inventive and enterprising, even, humorous, with a new meaning of ‘cheek to cheek’. But as I pondered this, I thought, how also very odd, and I could not help but be reminded of possessed people walking backwards, and this awkward, ape-like anomaly had some faint hint of that. Not able to look each other in the face, or the eyes, while engaging in the courtly ritual of dancing? And we have our own Dr. Theresa Tam advocating masks during the conjugal act – I presume she means for non-married couples, but one never knows with our new medical mandarins.
On that note of unions, and not looking at each other during moments of intimacy, the Pope has created quite a stir with his quip in a recent biopic, on himself, advocating for civil recognition of homosexual, ahem, ‘partnerships’. After all, as he is reported as saying, everyone deserves a family do they know? We will write more on this, but, for now, keep in mind Gresham’s law, that bad money – counterfeit – drives out good. So too, fake marriage will always devalue real marriage, and the more fake, the more devalued. The ‘backwards’ attempt at ‘conjugality’ of same-sex couples provide no basis for any sort of union – in fact, they are the basis, if we believe Saint Paul, for something far worse. And if everyone is married regardless of what they do or promise, then no one is.
Recognizing civil unions of ‘gays’ may seem pastoral and merciful, but ’tis not, and is in fact rather unpastoral and unmerciful to real couples – husbands and wives, male and female, the family God intended – struggling to ‘make a home’ and raise children against the headwinds of an increasingly secularized and anti-family culture. These the Church must support and value, while leading those with erroneous opinions and disordered views and practices back to the truth, which is the only thing that will set them free.
And, let us be reminded on this memorial of Saint John Paul II – who spent much of his energy and time proclaiming to real families to ‘become what you are!’ – it is the task of our universal shepherd to proclaim that truth, faithfully and without compromise.
The post Of Backwards Dancing and Civil Unions appeared first on Catholic Insight.
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