With the coming of the “third wave” of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rapid resurgence of confirmed inflections, the Government of Hong Kong has again taken drastic precautionary measures for the coming two weeks (July 15-28), so as to reduce the risk of community transmission as far as possible. In response, the Diocese of Hong Kong on July 14 announced that all public masses will be suspended for two weeks and instituted precautions.

To cope with these measures of the Government, Cardinal John TONG has announced the following new pastoral measures for the coming two weeks:

  1. Parish churches and affiliated chapels, as well as all other places (centers, etc.) where regular Sunday and weekday “public” Masses are celebrated, are to suspend all “public” Masses. Other communal religious activities, with the exception of weddings and funerals, are to be suspended as well.
  2. Parish churches and affiliated chapels are to remain open to the faithful for personal prayers and visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Parish churches may also arrange for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament daily or on specific days.  The faithful who individually come to a church or a chapel to pray or visit the Blessed Sacrament are not considered as a group gathering, and so there is no restriction on their number.
  3. Parish churches and affiliated chapels should take the following precautionary measures for the faithful or other people who come to pray, to visit the Blessed Sacrament or to attend weddings or funerals.

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