CNA Staff, May 16, 2020 / 12:00 pm (CNA).- The Polish Bishops’ Conference is encouraging the faithful to participate in a social media campaign to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pope St. John Paul II on Monday.
Pope St. John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyla on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland. In 1978, he made history as the first non-Italian pope in over 400 years. Pope St. John Paul II is credited with helping bring about the fall of communism in his native Poland. He was canonized as a saint in 2014.
Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the president of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, encouraged Catholics to share their memories and witness of how the saint had influenced their life and faith on social media using the hashtag #ThankYouJohnPaul2.
Gądecki encouraged Catholics to post photos and videos to honor the saint’s legacy.
“In this way we can express our gratitude to Pope John Paul II, for what he has brought and brings to our personal, family and social life, for all the meetings we had with him, in which we had the opportunity to participate, for his words, which we remember the most, for the inspirations he has evoked and continues to evoke in us,” Gądecki said.
“We can also publish the memories associated with him. In this way, we will also tell about St. John Paul II to the young generation which did not have the opportunity to get to know the Pope more closely, but is so much present in social media.”
Internet users have already answered the call to create “a virtual birthday cake” for the saint, as well as honor his call for the Church to “cross this new threshold” to “put out into the deep of cyberspace” for evangelization.
Let us participate in the hashtag #ThankYouJohnPaul2 initiative.
Let's publish in social media photos of the Pope and videos with thanks to St. John Paul II.
The 100th anniversary of Karol Wojtyla's birth is already on May 18!
— Church in Poland (@ChurchInPoland) May 11, 2020
"Love is a task that God constantly sets for us, perhaps to give us courage to stand up to fate." (St. John Paul II Meeting with youth, Gdansk, 1987)#ThankYouJohnPaul2#SaintJohnPaul2_100YearsBirthday
— John (@John02119846) May 14, 2020
#ThankYouJohnPaul2 #DziękujęCiJaniePawle2 my Mom in in the white shirt. 1990’s in ROME.
— Chris. J. Wądołowski (@cjwadolowski) May 13, 2020
Today, 39 years have passed since the attack of Saint John Paul II. Let us have the courage to testify of Christ in our daily lives and forgive our brothers #ThankYouJohnPaul2 @ChurchInPoland @EpiskopatNews
— Kamil Wojciechowski (@wojciechowski58) May 13, 2020
Dziękuję św. #JPII, że dane mi było dorastać, odkrywać powołanie, kształtować umysł i serce podczas Jego pontyfikatu. Dziękuję za świadectwo, każde słowo powiedziane i napisane oraz za spotkania w Ojczyźnie i w Rzymie #ThankYouJohnPaul2
— ks. Janusz Chyła ?? (@Janusz1967) May 11, 2020
#ThankYouJohnPaul2 I couldn't imagine another pope at that times. Vatican was like little Poland. I turned on TV and heard Polish. Always couldn't wait for his next pilgrimage to PL.
Here something personal: visit to my city. Incredible storm, strong words… I was a baby then…
— nienawidzę obłudy#❤??!???????? (@patkon1701) May 12, 2020
Amor e gratidão, Centenario de nascimento de São João Paulo II.
— Helena Prim Janning (@JanningPrim) May 14, 2020
Za to, że jesteś z nami cały czas. Że modlisz się za naszą biedną Polskę!#ThankYouJohnPaul2 ??
— Patrick Czajkus (@patrickCzajkus7) May 12, 2020
Za piękny przykład trwania na modlitwie #ThankYouJohnPaul2
— ks. Mateusz Wyrobkiewicz ?? (@M_Wyrobkiewicz) May 12, 2020
— Witold Narwojsz (@Witold_Narwojsz) May 11, 2020
W liście Benedykta XVI można dostrzec miłość i podziw dla Jana Pawła II. List pozwala jeszcze lepiej zrozumieć historię życia i działalność Wielkiego Papieża #JanPawełII #ThankYouJohnPaul2 #Wojtyla
— EWTN Polska (@EWTNPL) May 15, 2020
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