JUST IN: Vatican Confirms Holy Week & Easter Events Will Not Be Open to Physical Presence of Faithful

To Prevent Spread of Coronavirus, Prefecture of Pontifical Household Publishes Note on Their Website Saying Events Will Be Available Via Streaming

Pope at Angelus Thanks Priests of Northern Italy for Finding 1000 Creative Ways to Be Close to Their People

Encourages Them to Ensure Faithful Do Not Feel Abandoned

Angelus Address on Third Sunday of Lent: Jesus’ Meeting with Samaritan Woman

‘He Reveals to that Woman the Mystery of the Living Water, Namely of the Holy Spirit’

Pope at Angelus on Significance of Dialogue with Samaritan Woman

‘Water is at the Center of this Dialogue’

Pope at Mass Asks Prayers for Those Continuing to Serve During Coronavirus Crisis

‘Remember all the Sick and Suffering’

Santa Marta: Pope Offers Morning Mass for Families

‘We continue to pray for all who are ill due to this pandemic’

US Bishops’ Statements on Coronavirus

Responses to Outbreak

More Dioceses Across Philippines Cancel Public Masses

Situation Expected to Persist for a Month

The post Thanks to Priests Serving During Crisis appeared first on ZENIT – English.